My boyfriend is very shy, timid, and overly polite.

My boyfriend is very shy, timid, and overly polite.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about my boyfriend. He's so shy, he blushes when the waiter says "Enjoy your meal." His idea of living on the edge? Using regular instead of decaf. And don't get me started on his politeness – he apologizes to furniture when he bumps into it. I swear, if a burglar broke in, he'd offer them tea and ask if they'd like help carrying out the TV. Sometimes I wonder if I'm dating a man or a sentient "Sorry" card. But hey, at least I never have to worry about him starting fights or forgetting to say "please" and "thank you." Although, I might need to teach him that it's okay to say "no" to telemarketers...


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