I started a side gig as dog walker and its insane

I started a side gig as dog walker and its insane

Picture this: I'm strolling through the park, looking like a deranged puppet master with six leashes tangled around my limbs. Suddenly, a squirrel darts across our path, and chaos erupts. I'm being dragged through mud, leaves, and questionable puddles by a pack of furry maniacs. As I frantically try to maintain some semblance of control, I can't help but wonder: is this what it feels like to be a human chariot for a bunch of four-legged overlords? And don't even get me started on the "presents" I have to collect along the way. Let's just say I've developed a whole new appreciation for plastic bags and hand sanitizer. Who knew that becoming a professional pooper scooper would be my ticket to financial freedom?


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