Judgmental book club members

Judgmental book club members

Ever been to a book club where the members are more interested in judging each other than discussing the actual book? Welcome to my world of literary pretension and passive-aggressive comments. Picture this: Karen's sipping her chardonnay, eyeing your copy of "Fifty Shades of Grey" like it's a dead rat, while Bob's busy name-dropping obscure authors no one's heard of. Meanwhile, Susan's giving you the side-eye for daring to suggest that maybe, just maybe, Shakespeare isn't the be-all and end-all of literature. It's a battlefield of intellectual snobbery, where your choice of reading material determines your worth as a human being. So grab your leather-bound classics and put on your best "I'm better than you" face – we're about to dive into the cutthroat world of judgmental book club members.


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