My boyfriend said I am a narcissist.

My boyfriend said I am a narcissist.

Ladies and gentlemen, imagine this: You're having a romantic dinner with your boyfriend, candles flickering, soft music playing. You lean in close, gaze into his eyes, and whisper, "Tell me something I don't know." Without missing a beat, he says, "You're a narcissist." Talk about a mood killer! Suddenly, I'm wondering if I should be offended or flattered. I mean, at least he thinks I'm good-looking, right? But seriously, who died and made him Dr. Phil? I didn't realize I was dating the poster child for armchair psychology. Now I'm left questioning every selfie I've ever taken and wondering if my mirror is an enabler. Join me as we dive into the hilarious world of relationship diagnoses and self-absorbed shenanigans.


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