Soul-crushing corporate jobs

Soul-crushing corporate jobs

Welcome to the daily grind, where dreams go to die and souls are crushed like overripe fruit in a juicer. Picture this: You're trapped in a fluorescent-lit purgatory, surrounded by beige walls and the constant hum of printers. Your coworkers? A collection of walking clichés, each one more soul-sucking than the last. You've got Karen from HR, who's always "just checking in," and Dave from accounting, whose idea of excitement is a new spreadsheet formula. And let's not forget the boss, a walking PowerPoint presentation with the personality of a stale bagel. But hey, at least you've got that corner cubicle to look forward to... in about 30 years. So buckle up, buttercup, because we're about to dive deep into the hilariously depressing world of corporate America.


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